
Welcome to the Adventurers class page.  

The Adventurers class teacher is Mrs Hampshire.

This year our themes will be following the seasons...Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.  This will allow the children to make links with the world around them as they learn through nature and the observations they have made. Our 'Favourite Five' books for each half term have been carefully selected to link with not only the seasons but to ensure that we engage the children with multi-cultural themes, make links with the wider world as well as explore important personal and social topics.

Our Adventurers Week...

  • Our PE days will be Tuesday and Friday, however PE kits will need to remain in school and will be come home for a wash when needed!
  • Our Forest school day is a Monday and children will need to bring in suitable long trousers (joggers) and a waterproof when the weather is wet.
  • Our library day is a Monday...please remember to bring your book back each week so that you can change it
  • Wellies stay in school so that we can get out and about whatever the weather!
  • Water bottles are kept in school

If you need to make contact with Mrs Hampshire then please contact the school office on .
If you would like to share any learning or 'wow moments' from home, we would love to see this.  Please use you login for Tapestry.